Bharatiya Vidvat Parishat

Bharatiya Vidvat Parishat is a trust formed for the purpose of promoting research and studies in Indian Shastras. It is running, since 2009, a web-list called Bharatiya Vidvat Parishat, with around 2500 members worldwide including leading Sanskrit scholars like Mahamahopadhyaya Prof. Korada Subrahmanyam Mahamahopadhyaya Prof. Ashok Aklujkar, Prof. Saroja Bhate, Prof VN Jha Prof. Nagaraj Paturi, Prof. Nabanarayana Bandyopadhyaya etc. It had organised its decennial "Dispassionate Churning of Indology" conference in the same venue in 2019 with 350 members around the world participating in it. The objective of the Parishad is to understand, preserve and enrich the Indian intellectual heritage. It acts as a platform to share ideas and research papers in the areas of Sanskrit Research, Researches related to India, Indian Philosophy, Sanskrit Literature, Grammar, Science etc. and engage in continuous exchange of ideas.

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