Shastratha Parishad AIOC 2020

51st AIOC 2024 अन्तर्गततया उडुपि-श्रीकृष्ण-मठ-परिसरे अस्यैव हायनस्य अक्टोबर्-मासस्य 24 दिनाङ्कतः 26 दिनाङ्कपर्यन्तं भारतीयविद्वत्परिषद्, केन्द्रीयसंस्कृतविश्वविद्यालयः, पर्याय-श्रीपुत्तिगे-मठः च इत्येतेषां सहयोगेन “त्रिदिवसीया राष्ट्रिया संगोष्ठी” समायोजिता इति सर्वेषां विदितविषय एव। अस्मिन् कार्यक्रमे सर्वेऽपि विद्वांसः भागम् ऊढ्वा स्वविषयम् उपस्थापयितुम् अर्हन्ति।
अधोलिखितनियमाः सर्वैः परिपालनीयाः।
- युवविदुषां कृते अयम् अपूर्वः अवकाशः। वयोमितिः 18-34 वर्षाणि यावत्।
- भागग्रहीतृभिः प्रतिष्ठितसंस्थासु अथवा साम्प्रदायिक-गुरुकुलेषु कनिष्ठं 6-8 वर्षपर्यन्तम् अधीतं स्यात्।
- अन्यत्र प्रतिष्ठितासु वाक्यार्थगोष्ठीषु भागग्रहणस्य अनुभवः स्यात्।
- भागग्राहिणाम् अध्यापनानुभवः विशिष्यते।
- वाक्यार्थस्य उपस्थापनसमयः 10-15 निमेषपरिमितम्।
- वाक्यार्थस्य उपस्थापनानन्तरं निमेषपञ्चकं यावत् प्रश्नोत्तरं भविष्यति।
- आहत्य एकस्य विदुषः कृते विंशतिनिमेषात्मकः कालावकाशः प्रदीयते।
- अस्यां गोष्ठ्यां पुरुषाणां महिलानां च समवकाशः।
- सर्वेषां न्यायव्याकरणादि-विभागानां पर्यायेण विषयोपस्थापनावकाशः।
- स्वशास्त्रेषु उद्ग्रन्थस्थः विषयः उपस्थापनीयः।
- निर्दिष्ट-परिसन्धि-द्वारा सर्वेऽपि विद्वांसः स्वविषयं स्वपरिचयं च प्रेषयेयुः।
उपस्थापकानां कृते प्रमाणपत्रं केन प्रदीयते?
The 51st session of the All India Oriental Conference will be held at Udupi Krishna Matha from October 24th to 26th, 2024, jointly organized by Bharatiya Vidvat Parishat, Central Sanskrit University, and Paryaya Shri Puttige Matha.
The AIOC is not only a place where traditional Indian knowledge is praised. In fact it is a forum that practically examines the actual relevance of the traditional knowledge. The scholars also contribute new ideas and new interpretations of the old ones. It also provides a platform for the budding students and scholars to present their research problems and ideas in front of the stalwarts and extends a welcome opportunity to seek guidance from the well known traditional Pandits and the most modernistic researchers.
The Pandit Parishad is a cherished part of the AIOC. It is a scholarly discussion among Pandits who have learned the lore in the traditional manner. The whole Pandit Parishad is conducted in the Scientific Sanskrit Language. Pandits from all over India deliberate over age old concepts and their traditional and modern interpretations. The Pandits keenly await and participate in this dialogue.
Vakyartha Guidelines
Eligibility Criteria:
- Age Range: 18-34 years
- Education: Minimum of 6-8 years of study in gurukulas or other prominent institutions.
- Experience: Participation in prestigious vakyartha sabhas elsewhere is required.
- Teaching Experience: Preferred but not mandatory.
Presentation Guidelines:
- Duration: 10-15 minutes
- Content: Presenters should focus on the subject of their expertise.
- Question and Answer Session: A five-minute Q&A session will follow each presentation.
Additional Rules:
- Men and women are equally welcome to participate.
- Participants from all departments, such as Nyaya, Vyakarana, are encouraged to present their subjects alternatively.
Certificates will be provided for all the presenters.